Planning a trip to Central Otago or looking to spend an afternoon exploring our wine region? Scroll through our subregions and discover what our members have to offer, ranging from Cellar Doors with award-winning restaurants to boutique and personalised wine experiences. You can also download our Cellar Door Map here. Explore and experience the extraordinary in Central Otago!

You can self drive at your leisure or book a guided tour with one of our many experienced local wine tour operators. The New Zealand legal drink driving limits for a driver 20 years and over is a breath alcohol of 250 micrograms (mcg) of alcohol per litre of breath and a blood alcohol limit of 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. If you are under 20 the limit is zero. As an industry we encourage safe consumption and even safer travel – nominate a sober driver and taste but don’t swallow if you are driving.
As you explore, keep an eye out for the wine trails logo on the brown road signs – these are an easy reference to the vineyards and wineries of the area. Pick up a Wine Map of the area from one of the information centers or view it online.